
YRC: The Step-By-Step Program To Go From $0 to $10K+ A Month As A Solopreneur

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YRC: The Step-By-Step Program To Go From $0 to $10K+ A Month As A Solopreneur

5 ratings

Do you dream of making a living as a solopreneur?

You're not alone.

Many people feel undervalued at their 9 to 5.

Or they feel called to be a solopreneur.

Problem is... where do you start?

The mouthbreathers will tell you: "Just figure it out bruh."


Is that how you learn how to fight?

By buying random books and practicing in your garden, or do you go to an MMA gym?

YRC is that MMA gym.

First, you need to know what to do (the right information), then you need to do it over and over (drilling).

There are three big problems that you might have:

  1. You can ship products but you just can't get any/enough buyers.
  2. You just can't seem to get started or don't know what to make.
  3. You have bad work habits and aren't consistent.

Ask yourself: How long am I gonna let this situation continue?

The cliche that you only have one life is a cliche for a reason... because it's incredibly true.

Unfortunately, opportunity cost (failing to realize your potential or losing money you never had) isn't as painful as a visible cost. Which is why people stay in the same place for many years.

But that doesn't have to be you.

Youngling Research Cohort is a 30-day bootcamp that'll help you turn what you know into products and services and get paying customers.

What makes this program unique is that it's not a knowledge dump.

It's an "I will hold you by the hand" system designed to get you to at least $10K/month as a solopreneur.

YRC is the Harvard of solopreneurship education.

There's no product on the market that's better because it changes the way you think about selling your expertise and it helps you to get out of your own way by actually IMPLEMENTING what you learn.

  • What if you had a small army of fans that couldn't wait to buy from you?
  • What if you didn't have to worry about what to make because you knew exactly what people wanted?
  • What if you could finally charge what you're worth?

YRC will help you with all of those. It's a comprehensive program at a fraction of the cost of a Harvard MBA! After your purchase, you won't need any other program.

Here's How YRC Works:

- For 30 days, you'll be pitching customers and shipping content daily. This helps you build the right habits to start making sales and build an audience of buyers.

- You'll get 4 weekly in-person sessions on Zoom with your cohort. These are modeled after sports: A little bit of teaching and then you'll immediately go and practice.

- There's a community where you can ask questions, watch replays, and post your work daily to be held accountable.

- There are guest lectures from my peers in academia and industry experts.

- AND you get lifetime access so you can go through the progam multiple times.

You Can Start Getting Paid For What You Know Within A Day. Stop Procrastinating And Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be.

The Curriculum

You can check out the full curriculum below but broadly speaking this is what you're gonna learn:

- The Research-First Loop: A methodology that teaches you how to reduce risk as much as possible by picking an audience and researching their pains.

- Tribebuilding: The process of building up an audience of fans such that, when you're ready to sell, you can simply send an email and make tens of thousands of dollars.

- Fishing: How to do cold outreach that works so you can make money in the meantime while you're working on Tribebuilding.

- The Fundamental Model: The process to produce high quality content that gets qualified people onto your email list.


What if I can't make the live sessions?

The days and times are set with all the folks that want to attend your cohort.

Then we find something that works for everyone.

If you still can't make it, you can simply watch the replay.

What happens after I buy?

You'll get added to our community on Circle where you can make new friends, discuss the process you're all going through, and get help on sticking points.

Can I get an example of what a session is like?

Here's the YRC session from Jan 20th.


YRC is designed for solopreneurs who want to make a living by selling their expertise on the internet.

If you've been at it for more than 6 months and are unhappy with your progress, it'll cost you money to NOT join YRC.

What If It Doesn't Work For Me?

It will. But if for some miracle it doesn't despite you attending the sessions and doing the homework, just hit me up... I'll give you 100% of your money back...

Can't embed the testimonials on Gumroad so click the button below to watch them:


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Get More & Better Customers
with Research-First
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Discuss what you learn with peers in the community
Make Actual Progress
No more loading up on information. YRC Bootcamp helps you ACT!
Lifetime Acess!
Join future cohorts completely gratis!
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